Friday, November 16, 2012

My Favorite Time of Year

Is it really mid/late November already? Where has the time gone? How can Thanksgiving be less than a week away?! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year, closely following Christmas (celebrating the birth of my Lord & Savior has to rank first).

One reason I love Thanksgiving so much is all the food and eating associated! But really, its because this holiday brings to mind all that I have to be thankful for, and having a chance to slow down and spend time with family.

This year we'll be hosting Thanksgiving dinner w/ the hubs' family. I think we have a menu planned out and I'm hoping to capture the preparations and recipes through photos (I'll try my best to blog them).

In the meantime, I will leave you with a few cooking photos I took this year:

Catfish soup

Tea eggs

Clam bake. Seafood Linguine. Nectarine Salad

Pumpkin Curry w/ Chicken

Turkey and Veggie Frittata. French Toast. Bacon


Irene B. said...

"Cat" fish soup. Hehehe. It's only 8am and I'm drooling!

Irene B. said...
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