Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I wanted to post this earlier, but I guess better late than never. We had our first tree this Christmas in our home and added a few new ornaments to our collection. Here's a peak into some of the ones we added:

L to R (clockwise):
Blessed photo frame ornament from the hubs that came in my stocking this year
Snowman Lenox porcelain ornament. This was a steal of a deal that we found at HomeGoods (have I told you I love that store?). I believe he retails full price around $50-60 and we got him for $10 or so.
Mickey Mouse Disney Vinylmation ornament. He smells like the gingerbread man that he's eating. The hubs got into Disney Vinylmations towards the end of the year, so this was a fitting ornament, plus we had a coupon :)
Aruban Fisherman from Aruba (duh!). This isn't a new ornament, but still a fave of mine. We picked this up on our honeymoon. Which now has started a tradition of bringing home an ornament from trips we take (next year, you'll see the one I got from New Orleans)
Fabric Lion from Target. Target had a line of really cute ornaments this winter, and they went fast (at least the good ones did). If you didn't grab it when you saw it, chances are it'd be gone by your next visit.

There you have it! a glimpse into our Christmas decorations. Next year, we should have more exciting things to share on the Christmas decor front, keep your eye out for them!


Irene B. said...

HomeGoods FTW!

Unknown said...

:D we need a homegoods excursion!