Tuesday, October 2, 2012

31 Days of Being Where I Am: Day 1 (on day 2)

I came across this 31 day campaign on TheNester and thought it may be a good way to kickstart me back into blogging.

I picked "being where I am" as my topic for the 31 days, to better recognize and appreciate that God has placed me here in the now for His purpose.

For Day 1, it was learning to take advantage of opportunities that don't arise everyday -- Going to an A's game at the suggestion of the hubs. It was a fun, spontaneous date night at the ballpark.

The best part, the A's CLINCHED a playoff spot :D

(sorry for the blurry photo, but that is the mobfest after Balfour's 3 strikeout 9th inning)

We also ran into some fellow A's fan friends -- here's a post-victory photo

It was a much enjoyed night out at the park with some seriously great atmosphere.

Watching the A's this season and their "one game at a time" mantra/mentality is really reminding me to take each day at a time, each season at a time. Sometimes I want to rush out of the now and into the next, but I need to learn to slow down and be where I am. Just be.

That's Day 1, posted on Day 2...Day 2 post to come :)


Unknown said...

Go A's!

Irene B. said...

HOw did I miss this!?!? YAY to 31 days!